Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One Palatable Pe-can Pie

For those of you who read my title and saw the word Palatable and got confused, then you need to buy a thesaurus because it means delicious.

Anywho, I like to bake.  If you are confused about the word bake, it does not mean cook, it means bake.  I like to bake because I am good at it (or at least I think I am so don't tell me otherwise ) and I am bad at cooking.  So since I like to bake, I thought I would try and make a pecan pie from scratch for Thanksgiving.  Well that sounds easy you say....here is the catch, I wanted to make the crust from scratch too.  When I told my mom this, she laughed and said no, there is a frozen pie crust in the freezer so use that because it will make your life a lot easier.  Well being the stubborn person that I am, telling me no just makes me want to do it more so I went for it.   Now I know why she laughed at me.  It is REALLY hard.  But after working at it all day and probably overworking it (it still tasted just fine anyway) I did it.  So as usual, here are my pictures.  Away we go.....

                     First the Pie Crust (I got the crust recipe off of the Pioneer Woman's blog)

                               Start with all of this

Add the flour (3 cups I think)

Add your shortening and then mix it with whatever this tool is
(I forget the name...sorry)

Beat an Egg like Auburn Beats Bama 

Add the egg, cold water and Vinegar to the mix

Add a Tablespoon of salt

Mix all together with a spoon

Grab some with your hands and...

...make 3 piles 

then semi-flatten them, bag them up and put them in the freezer for about 15 mins. or the fridge if you want it to stay longer.  Like me, I put it in the fridge and then went to go get my hair done.  

Flour your counter top
(Don't be afraid to make a mess)

Throw down your dough

Roll it out, but you have to work fast and don't over work it 
(I learned the hard way) 

looking good

hard part, putting it in the pan.  

For a pretty design, you can use the back side of a fork

(one of my mom's recipes) 

Bring Sugar and Oil to a boil 
(ha that rhymes)

after boil, SLOWLY mix in with eggs

Add Vanilla and butter

Chop 1 cup of pecans

and then add it into the mix 

pour into crust and then bake 


Thanksgiving Break

ya ya I know it has almost been a week since Thanksgiving, but I have finally found a little break to talk about my break.  SO, this is what happened....

The break started out with a little mid night showing of Harry Potter 7 pt. 1.  This is us pre-gaming and watching Harry Potter 6.

It is just so intense! 

Went to the Texas v. Florida Atlantic game; Texas actually won (notice the student section below...so weak)

                                 Pretty view of Austin

Went home for a couple days and then back to Austin Thursday for a tailgate Thanksgiving....

Tori's a True Texas fan 

Pre Game at the Texas v. A&M game 

Hook Em' Horns (Too bad it was the first Texas game that I had ever witnessed a loss in person)

OH...Best Part....AUBURN BEAT BAMA!!!!  

War Eagle!!  I can't wait to go to Atlanta and hopefully see the Tigers beat SC again!  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately.  Forgiveness is something that definitely does not happen over night and I have been wondering why this is?  God can forgive as soon as we have sinned, but yet it is so hard for us to do the same.  We hold grudges and we hold our anger in because we have been hurt, but yet holding this in only brings more pain upon ourselves. In Ephesians 4:32, Paul writes, "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." These eloquent words remind us to be kind and to forgive, but sometimes it is just not that simple.  Two and a half years ago I had more hatred for someone than I have had ever before.  This past week, after years of prayer, I think I have found a place in my heart to forgive.  Forgiveness lifts our burdens and allows us to move on in peace; and though I know I will still struggle with my burdens forever,  I know God is always there to listen.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

If you have to write a paper...

  If you are stuck at the library for hours on in, then you might as well be with good company!

(Please note how many books and primary sources are on this table)

oh and quote of the night: You better live a nutty life cause otherwise it's just a bunch of Tuesdays strung     together...and come on, who likes Tuesdays?

Did You Know...

In the past, when a clan no longer wanted a member in it, they would burn down their house. This is where the expression “to get fired” comes from.

Wild Wild West Champs!

 War Eagle!!  Well what a game we had yesterday against those Georgia Bulldogs.  I think like most Auburn fans, I was a little  a lot disappointed with the first half.  Our defense was no where to be found and Cam could not get any movement passed the Georgia D.  But Chizik or someone must have lit a fire under them because they came out to play second half.  But it wasn't a clean victory for Auburn.  During the last two plays of the game, a fight broke out and punches were thrown and Auburn's #93, Mike Blanc, and #49 Michael Goggans were ejected from the game.  But it was an AMAZING last home game for the Seniors and a WONDERFUL victory for Auburn.  Now, Auburn is the SEC West Champions and Atlanta, HERE WE COME!

Dawn's (my roommate) last home game to dance at

The final touchdown


Cam's the Man

Oh, did I mention that GA fans lit Toomer's on fire.  

May the Oldest Rivalry in the South live on!  

War Eagle!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


                               If you know me, I like to talk. 

But sometimes, especially lately with the pressures of life, I just need silence and time with my own thoughts.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Random Fact

So I have decided that I am going to do a random fact each week.  Enjoy.

Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
   and lean not on your own understanding; 
 in all your ways submit to him, 
   and he will make your paths straight.