Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New York Thanksgiving

So over Thankgsiving Break, I decided to ditch the fam and go to New York for 5 days.  My best friend in the WHOLE world, Ali, lives there and since she had to work and I didn't, I went to her.  Plus, it was a great vacation.  Here is how my 5 days of Awesomeness went down. 

Checked My stocks at Wall Street (they were actually up) 

Went for a Nice LONG walk 

On this little bridge 

and through Battery Park 

Saw Some museums 

Saw some tall buildings 
Drank  a lot of Java 

And even cooked our OWN Thanksgiving Dinner at one pretty swanky downtown apartment! 
The Awesome Kitchen we used 

We were going to make Sweet Potatoes and decided we wanted to mix and match with Yams
 Ali peeling the roots 

our invention of green bean casserole (canned green beans, organic butter, whole foods brand Potato Garlic Soup) 
"Sweet Potatoes" mixed with organic cane sugar, 
stolen cinnamon from the Whole Foods coffee shop and the glorious marshmallows.   
 (the people's apartment did not have very many cooking ingredients or supplies, 
so we worked with what we had)
We might have thrown a marshmallow or 10
We found organic stuffing for the Vegetarian  

And since Ali does not eat any meat other than Fish, 
we decided to have salmon cakes.  

Then we had to cook it all with one small oven which took a while...

So we took a photo break 

And then it was done

 (our bread crumbs were actually Veggie Chips)

We found a Candelabra, popped open the wine, pulled the cornbread and fish out of the oven  and ate our Thanksgiving Dinner out on the "Terrace" (that is what rich people call a balcony)

Oh we also found these individual, pre-made, Pecan Pies at Whole Foods and ended up having that for desert.  There was no time for pictures because they were gone very quickly.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

S***T My Students Say

Why Did the Chicken go to KFC?

To See a Chicken, Strip!