(Helpful Hint: It is a much better read if you add the dramatic voice)
So Wednesday after work, I decided to help my dad out with making dinner. My chef duties were to make the bacon, while he made homemade waffles. Yum, right?!? Totally; I mean who doesn't like breakfast for dinner? Well after Mr. Dave ruined the first waffle, I could not stand by an watch. I had to take matters into my own hands. Waffle 2, success. Bacon, perfect. Now waffle 3 is where it gets tricky. After it was fully cooked to its golden brown potential, I decided to remove it from the iron. With my left hand, I very carefully try to remove the Waffle and place it on the plate which is held by my right.
The waffle starts falling to the floor with the iron and plate following. I try not to loose the waffle, or get burned by the iron and CRASH goes the plate. I'm startled, so naturally I jump. BUT WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN...and that would be my barefoot right onto the sharp broken edge of the plate. BOOM, I hit the floor, foot in hand. Blood running down my right (and somehow left) leg. Screams fill the kitchen air with tears streaming down my face (enter curse words here). Dad runs to get a towel and tells me to sit still while he goes to Walgreens to get band-aids and Peroxide. (well duh I'm not going to move, I can't walk) When he gets back, bleeding still hasn't stopped. I thought of a great idea, "How about that liquid bandage stuff?". That meant another trip back to Walgreens. While my sweet father went back to Walgreens, my mom came back home and insisted that I go get stitches. Well I have never had stitches (even though I have probably needed them many a time), and I did not want to get them this time. But the pain was unbearable and the bleeding just wouldn't stop, so I gave in. After trying to figure out all of my new big girl insurance information and finding an ER clinic that was open 24 hours, Dad and I finally go to see the doctor.
Well, we were the only people at the clinic and the night staff was SUPER nice! This was luxury compared to Auburn's Urgent Care. The doctor said "YEP, I need stitches" ;so after four shots into the bottom of my foot (enter more curse words) and a tetanus shot, he stitched me right up. I am now on crutches for 10 days (which totally sucks) and I can't go to Austin for the football game (which sucks even more). But the good news is, I will have one AWESOME scar on the bottom of my foot!
Oh and if you are wondering why I chose this title for the blog....this hurt WAY more than stepping on a thumb tack...which I too have done many a time.
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