Monday, November 14, 2011

Toto, we are not in College anymore

Last night I was in the shower thinking (I do my best thinking in the shower) and it just hit me that I have already been out of college for 6 MONTHS! Whoa, times sure flys by!  So I began to think about how different my life has been this past half year and here are the top 10 things that are different about the real world and college. 

10. I get tired at 6:30 pm
9.  I look forward to jean Friday and get even MORE excited when we can wear jeans all week! 
8.  I can afford to shop
7.  Weekends do not consist of house parties or bar nights.  They consist of high school football, college football, conferences and crafts
6. I am always at my house instead of Creekside or ShadyGlenn. 
5.  I don't have Sydney, Nicole or Lili's closests to raid. 
4.  I don't like driving, because I buy my own gas
3.  Call me crazy, but I miss those long nights at the Library with my cohort
2.  Tailgating is DEFINITELY as much fun.  1, it's not a party and 2 it's not Auburn
1.  Did I mention I make my own money!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oh Fridays

Yes so this week is a double S**T my Student's Say.  I know this is all I blog about, but I have another one coming that has NOTHING to do with school! I just have to share this because this is why I love my Job! 

Today was Map day, and I LOVE Map day because I get to teach them so much!  I get the best quotes on this day too, because 9th graders have NO CLUE where anything in the World is.  Where was "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" when they were growing up?  That game taught me all about the globe and Geography. 

Today's best Map Quote (I actually had this same conversations 3 times in 3 different classes)

Student "Where is the Vatican City?"
Me "Hint: It's where the Pope lives"
....about 3 mins. pass by....
Student "Would the Pope by any chance live in Germany?"
Me "Not quite, think ROMAN (emphasis on Roman) Catholic  Church"
Student "Romania?"
Me "Nope"
Student "Rome?"
Me "YUP"
Student "Where is Rome?"
Me "In the Country shaped like a boot"
....3 more mins go by....
Student "Italy!"

I do realize it would be a lot easier and more time consuming if I just told them the answer, but where is the learning in that!  


Ok, so this next scene actually made my heart melt.  I have one class that is just so AMAZING!  They all sit quietly and do what they are supposed to do without complaint.  They used to give me a headache, but now, things have really changed in there.  So, as a reward, I put on some music and they get to work on their maps.  Today, I played my 'Chill' playlist, because that does not get them rowdy.  Well, as I am sitting in a desk with them working on MY map, the boy next to me starts giving scenereos to every song.  Here is one of my favorites:

In response to "Beautiful Disaster" by John McLaughlin

"I feel like I should be white, driving around New York in my Prius, looking for my girlfriend"  

I do NOT know how he got that from this song, but we all just sat and laughed. 

After this song, another song came on and we all asked him what he thought. 

his response 

"I feel like I should be dancing with a Pretty girl right now", so he got up and asked my Special Ed girl to dance.  They danced in the middle of my room for the whole song.  It made my heart just MELT away! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Ain't English Class

This week's S**T my student's say is on Wednesday because there is so many good quotes, I wanted to give you a mid-week treat. 

To All of my Former/Current English Teaching Friends: (Now I know my writing is not always correct English, but I can at least help the youth talk properly.)

Trying to explain something about economics:
Student "That don't make no sense"
Me "That don't make no sense?"
Student "Ya"
Me "Let's try that again. That doesn't make any
Student "That's what I said"

Me "No, not quite"
Student "Ya it is"
Now I go to the board and write it out
"That don't make no sense = That do not make no sense"
"That doesn't make any sense = That does not make any sense" 
Me "Which one makes sense? "
Student " The second one" 
Me "Ya, see how 'That don't make no sense' doesn't actually make any sense?"     
The kid just sits there and scratches his head.                              

Same Student
After explaining how you need pens and pencils to do your work. 
Student "Well I bought a me a Sharpie!"  (no, not a typo)
Me "You bought a you a sharpie?"
Student "Ya"
Me "That's not proper English"
Student "This ain't English class"
Me "Great observation, this ISN'T English Class"
Student "So, I don't got to talk good then"
Me "You don't got to talk good?"
Student "Pshhhhh, you makin my head hurt"
Me "You're makin my head hurt"

Me "What are some characteristics of a More Developed Country?"
Student A "They are all High!" (meaning all of the characteristics are High, but that is not how everyone else interpreted it)
Me "Yes we are all High smoking that dope" (Kid turns red)
Student A "I mean, all of the Characteristics are high except for the dead babies" (everyone is cracking up)
Me "You mean the Infant Mortality Rate?"
Student A "YES, they are not High"
Me "Well I hope not!  Babies shouldn't do drugs and neither should you"

Don' t you want to come to MY CLASS!!!  We have FUN!