So it has been a pretty chill week.
No school on Monday due to Columbus' so called discovery of the 'New World'.
Tuesday we took a day to talk about "Yes it is important to write in Social Studies"
Wednesday was the PSAT for 10th and 11th graders. A day of testing means 0 new material can be taught due to musshy brains.
Thursday we reviewed for our test
So all in all, not a very eventful week. I did however have a wonderful incident today during my test.

One little boy of mine decided that he would use someone elses map on the test, after I told him that he could not use a map due to his lack of turning it in. When I saw that he was cheating, I collected his test, wrote a zero and told him to go into the hallway so we could have a little 'chat'. Of course he left class all upset, but I would too if I got CAUGHT cheating.
Well I got caught cheating on a quiz spring of my senior year in English, but my teacher let me retake it....thanks Mrs. Dodge....who cares about Hamlet anyway? Anywho, he left class and that was that. I figured his football coach will punish him (since he also teaches World Geo.) and so will his parents. But, the poor kid could not cut himself a break. My dear friend and colleague, informed me that she saw him standing in the hallway the following period for another teacher. But instead of being punished, the little guy had his hands Super Glued to the Super Glue bottle. He was shaking and shaking and shaking, trying to get his hands free. But no such luck. He had to stay in the hall until he figured out a way to get his hands free. I sure hope he broke free from that jail of glue! That kid just could not cut a break!
Sounds like another successful week. TGIF!