Friday, October 28, 2011

S**T My Students Say

Student A: "Do we have to lable all of these?"                                                                     
Me: "Isn't that what the instructions say?"
Student A: "Ya...."
Me: "O.K., then label them all"
Student A: "Well what are they?"
Me: "Countries..."
Student A: "Why are there so many?"
Me: "I can make you lable the whole world if you want."
Student A: "No, I mean, aren't there only 50 countries?"
Student B: "That's 50 States you DUMMY!" 

Student A: "Where is Mali?"
Me: "In Africa?"
Student A (100% serious): "Where is Africa?"
Me: "Really?  We are 10 weeks in and you do not know where Africa is?"
Student B: "We are 9 years in and you don't know where Africa is?"

How do you spell France?
Google Says you mispelled it
Well at least I tried, you didn't

Student A: "Is Rome a country?"
Me: "No, That is the Capital of Italy"
Student A: "Oh, Is Paris a country?"
Me: "Nope, that is the Capital of France"
Student A: "THEN WHAT's A COUNTRY!?"

Me: "Someone please give me a name of a country in Africa?"
Student A shouts out very enthusiastically: "CHINA!"
We all stare at her
(Student A realizes the mistake)

1 comment:

  1. These stories always make me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing!
